This analysis is lacking any historical perspective. Whilst Israelis continue to believe this gas lighting fabrication there will not be a peaceful resolution.
They are trying to fire me from my precarious sessional (but more than full time for 13 years) university teaching position because of a strong anti-Hamas, pro Israel message I made to a private individual on LinkedIN. It's not about one side or the other, it's about having a discussion and not baying for blood at those you disagree with and trying to destroy their lives.
Thanks for your clarity and identifying exactly what is happening in this horrific situation!
This analysis is lacking any historical perspective. Whilst Israelis continue to believe this gas lighting fabrication there will not be a peaceful resolution.
They are trying to fire me from my precarious sessional (but more than full time for 13 years) university teaching position because of a strong anti-Hamas, pro Israel message I made to a private individual on LinkedIN. It's not about one side or the other, it's about having a discussion and not baying for blood at those you disagree with and trying to destroy their lives.